
Two Future AMD Features Are Debuting in PS4 Pro; Watch Dogs 2 & Mass Effect Andromeda Run @1800P

Eurogamer's Digital Foundry only posted a lengthy interview with the architect of Sony's PlayStation 4 Pro console, Mark Cerny. The huge article delves into plenty of technical details, but a few are peculiarly worthy of note.

The outset one we've highlighted is that PS4 Pro sports not one, but two features that are on AMD's roadmap to be implemented in their discrete GPUs at some future point.

A few AMD roadmap features are actualization for the first time in PS4 Pro.

How it works is that we sit down with AMD, who are terribly collaborative. It's a real pleasure to work with them. So basically, we go ahead and say how many CUs we want to have and we look at the roadmap features and nosotros wait at expanse and we make some decisions and we even - in this case - have the opportunity, from fourth dimension to fourth dimension, to have a feature in our chip earlier information technology's in a discrete GPU. We accept two of these this fourth dimension, which is very nice.

1 of the features appearing for the showtime fourth dimension is the handling of 16-fleck variables - it's possible to perform ii sixteen-scrap operations at a time instead of one 32-bit performance. In other words, at total floats, we accept 4.2 teraflops. With half-floats, it'due south at present double that, which is to say, 8.four teraflops in sixteen-fleck computation. This has the potential to radically increment functioning.

Once a GPU gets to a certain size, information technology's important for the GPU to accept a centralised brain that intelligently distributes and load-balances the geometry rendered. And so it's something that's very focused on, say, geometry shading and tessellation, though at that place is some basic vertex work likewise that it volition distribute.

The piece of work benefactor in PS4 Pro is very avant-garde. Not but does it have the adequately dramatic tessellation improvements from Polaris, it also has some mail service-Polaris functionality that accelerates rendering in scenes with many minor objects... So the improvement is that a single patch is intelligently distributed between a number of compute units, and that's trickier than information technology sounds considering the process of sub-dividing and rendering a patch is quite complex.

He also proudly noted that even the opposite can happen. Such was the instance with Asynchronous Compute: Mark Cerny was very passionate about it and Sony did a lot of work adding information technology to the original PlayStation 4. Asynchronous Compute then ended up getting incorporated into subsequent AMD GPUs and it'due south now of the chief advantages AMD has over NVIDIA in terms of GPU architecture.

Cerny then explained that developers who are working on a PS4 Pro game tin choose betwixt ii techniques that use the ID buffer to boost image quality: geometry rendering (which allows for crisper edges, detailed foliage and tempest fences) and checkerboard rendering (which is more intensive merely as well brings increased detail in both textures and specular effects).

So far, nine of the showtime xiii titles due to support PS4 Pro are going to apply checkerboard rendering, including Watch Dogs 2, Mass Consequence: Andromeda, Infamous: First Light and Killing Floor 2. These item four will all run at 1800P (3200x1800) with checkerboard rendering.

In that location are, however, games like Paragon which merely add visual enhancements while the resolution volition even so be an upscaled 1080P on a 4K display. Cerny explained that going forward, Sony will encourage developers to seek higher resolution modes.

Going forward we are highly encouraging directly back up for 4K TVs and HDTVs, though we exit the specifics of how they practice that up to the evolution customs. They know best, just we really practice desire to see a college resolution mode for 4K TVs and so some technique for HDTVs. It can be just scaling down from a higher resolution.

Finally, the console has been packed with an boosted gigabyte of DDR3 RAM that will exist used to swap betwixt games and other apps like Netflix while the remaining memory is used strictly for games.

PlayStation 4 Pro will exist out on November 10th for $/€ 399 or £349 if yous are in the United kingdom.


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